MyBB Bookclub Extra


MYBB BookClub Extra is an exciting new initiative brought to you by MyBookbasket in partnership with the new MyBB Education cic. 

Join us once a month to dive deep into the themes, ideas, creativity and emotion of the written word coming out of writers right across the African diaspora. We meet in person at the Legacy Centre or online from the comfort of your own home. Each two-hour session will give you the opportunity to explore a particular theme from a range of well and lesser-known authors. The sessions will feature a central text that you will receive free of charge alongside other shorter extracts taken from a range of writers from Africa, America, the Caribbean and the UK. 

We encourage you to share your views and interpretations and bring your own examples of your favourite works that speak to the theme under exploration. Build your reading list through the recommended reads you will receive each session and from those you will receive from fellow club members. 

Thursday 23rd March: Women in Literature: Generational Connections

  We launch Bookclub Extra with a session exploring the literary depictions of the bonds between women. How have writers portrayed the significance of relationships between grandmothers, mothers and daughters? Are there common problems, concerns or even strengths and qualities that emerge from this writing? Do you have a favourite portrayal of a mother/daughter relationship? How well do these literary portraits reflect the realities of the bonds between mothers, daughters and granddaughters within our communities? These and other questions we will seek to answer together with the assistance of relevant samples of literature. 

Why not share your thoughts? You can sign up for this and other sessions by clicking here. Once you have registered you will receive all relevant session materials. You can sign up for just one or receive a discount by paying for 3, 6 or even 12 sessions. See further details or call us on 07592345276 if you wish to discuss your needs with one of our team. 

 Watch our promotional videos below: